Insurance Dashboards

Effective insurance dashboards for commercial  insurance provide current, actionable information about liability and workers’ compensation claims. The best dashboards provide drilldown capabilities that provide access to multiple levels of data, from a broad overview to specific claims. Insurance Dashboards are available as part of Recordables risk management software.

Prevent Claims with Proactive Insurance Dashboards

Commercial insurance dashboards from Recordables provide information proactively for claims personnel and managers, avoiding the need to wait for reports to be run, data analyzed, and additional claims to occur. The proactive insurance dashboards from Recordables provide drill down capabilities with useful information at the aggregate level as well as in detailed views. Dashboards from Recordables can help identify areas of concern before additional claims arise.

Insurance Dashboards for Commercial Claims

Commercial Insurance dashboards organize and visualize information for all types of claims  across an organization. These dashboards provide insurance metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that relate to your organization and provide visibility across all claims ..

Insurance Dashboards for Workers Compensation

An effective risk management insurance dashboard provides insight regarding locations, individuals, and roles where claims occur, and uses predictive analytics  to help predict and avoid future claims, preventing injuries and reducing costs.