About Recordables and Our Software

As an RMIS software vendor, Recordables provides risk management software solutions to insurance companies, risk pools, and all types of organizations. For more than 30 years, Recordables has helped private firms, government agencies, risk pools, and insurance carriers manage their insurance claims process through our RMIS software. Recordables’ clients range from small businesses to insurance companies.

Recordables is committed to providing best-in-class risk management software to meet our clients’ needs. Clients choose Recordables because of the RMIS software’s ease of use, ability to grow with their needs, network security, and commitment to supporting our clients through upgrades and support included with the software.

Our state-of-the-art risk management software solutions for claims management, OSHA reporting, occupational safety and health, workers’ comp, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), liability claims, and insurance certificate management have a proven track record as easy to use, secure, and scalable.

Each risk management software solution from Recordables can be used as a stand-alone application or as part of a comprehensive RMIS solution that seamlessly integrates.

Recordables’s RMIS software applications are updated based on user input and requests, and software updates are included with each software license.

Recordables RMIS Software Developers

Recordables software programmers have extensive experience designing, implementing, and supporting RMIS software programs for organizations, risk pools, and insurance carriers. With many decades of experience providing RMIS software, our U.S.-based developers provide solutions that meet the needs of businesses, governments, and nonprofits.

Cloud-based RMIS software

Recordables develops and provides Risk Management software solutions using a SaaS, Software as a Service model, also called subscription-based RMIS software or cloud-based Risk Management Software. All hosting and services associated with the software are included, with the only thing required for clients is a connection to the Internet.

Recordables follows security and reliability best practices, partnering with best-in-class providers of secure cloud-based infrastructure. Partners include Rackspace and AWS, which provide the ability to offer an array of options for both disaster recovery and monitoring 24 hours per day, every day of the year.

Who uses Recordables RMIS Software?

Recordables RMIS software is used by employers who process as few as 25 claims per year to thousands of claims annually. This includes small and mid-size businesses, government agencies, risk pools, and insurance carriers. Recordables Risk Management Software’s flexible design allows it to be configured to the specific needs of each organization.

Types of RMIS Software Recordables Provides

Recordables offers RMIS software that meets all insurance claims management tracking needs across an organization, including:

Our tools meet a variety of needs relating to insurance, including:

  • Improving the efficiency of the insurance claims process
  • Tracking workers’ compensation claims
  • Managing insurance certificates
  • Tracking FMLA leave and medical leave
  • Understanding patterns across claims to reduce risk

Your Data is Secure

All Recordables applications meet or exceed established standards for network security and regulatory compliance. Learn more about our network security.