Claims Management Software

Recordables claims management software provides everything necessary for strategic claims management. TrackAbility is available as a stand-alone claims management program or as part of a comprehensive RMIS software solution.

Claims Management Software benefits

For more than 25 years TrackComp has been a trusted software solution for helping organizations manage their risk management and insurance claims. Risk and claims managers benefit from comprehensive capabilities to achieve quick, accurate, compliant, and compatible data recording, tracking, and reporting. TrackAbility Claims Management Software from Recordables includes:

  • Claims Management Dashboards can be easily created to view real-time claims metrics with exporting capabilities designed to be shared with groups or individual users. Using widgets, claims management dashboards can be customized to meet the needs of each user.
  • Identify and track patterns of claims using powerful heat maps with drill-down capabilities that can include GPS coordinates.
  • Leverage predictive analytics designed with TrackAnalysis to take data, history, trends, and patterns for claims to make predictions and intuitively guide user through cost saving measures through our unique algorithms, predictive modeling, and data analysis.
  • Easily customize reports to get the data you need with the ad hoc report writer. Produce an infinite number of reports which can help risk managers, claims managers and safety personnel.
  • Easy to use automation with the unique Recordables Query, a short wizard-driven approach that makes claims data accessible to all levels of users. Reporting can then be automated, integrated with email, or exported to any of 15 different formats.
  • Reporting is made easy with customizable fields and tables that can be arranged in a logical order by the user to add an infinite number of fields for reporting. Fields can include text or pull down menus to create consistency in reporting.

Claims management software solutions to track all liability incidents

Tracking all liability and risk incidents and claims, TrackAbility provides comprehensive liability claims tracking software solutions Benefits of TrackAbility liability claims management software include:

  • Start to finish injury liability claims management from incident through completion.
  • Create customizable liability claim types with user-selectable criteria.
  • Comprehensive claims management: Enter claims from anywhere on any device using the Recordables incident portal. In less than 30 seconds a customized incident form tailored to your organization can be completed and sent to managers and adjusters.
  • Safety professionals and field users can collaborate on claims and reports, continuing to add pictures and videos for incidents or claims.
  • Receive a holistic view of financial data necessary for claims management, such as payments and losses based upon individuals, locations, policy specifications, and other data.
  • Claims management  linking between programs ties together multiple liability claim types and injuries.
  • Customizable fields and permissions enable adding and removing fields for specific users and roles across liability policies.
  • Benefit from predictive analysis based upon past claims and incident data. Using modeling, patterns, and trends TrackAnalysis identifies risks and patterns. Gain recommendations through analysis of past data, helping provide data for better decision making and reducing future liability claims.
  • Keep track of your liability policy limits with alerts when reaching limits.
  • Track liability insurance litigation, witnesses, defendants as well as plaintiff and defense attorneys.
  • Flexible liability claims management solutions allow organizations to customize claim types and selection options without limits.
Claims management software from Recordables makes incident reporting easy.

About Claims Management Software from Recordables

For more than 25 years TrackComp has been a trusted claims management software solution for helping organizations manage their risk management and insurance claims. Risk and claims managers benefit from comprehensive capabilities to achieve quick, accurate, compliant, and compatible data recording, tracking, and reporting. TrackAbility Liability Claims Management Software from Recordables includes:

  • Liability Claims Management Dashboards can be easily created to view real-time claims metrics with exporting capabilities designed to be shared with groups or individual users. Using widgets, claims management dashboards can be customized to meet the needs of each user.
  • Identify and track patterns of accidents using powerful heat maps with drill-down capabilities that can include GPS coordinates.
  • Reduce future liability claims by leveraging predictive analytics designed with TrackAnalysis to take data, history, trends, and patterns to make predictions and intuitively guide user through cost saving measures through our unique algorithms, predictive modeling, and data analysis.
  • Easily customize liability claims reports to get the data you need with the ad hoc report writer. Produce an infinite number of reports which can help risk managers, claims managers and safety personnel.
  • Easy to use automation with the unique Recordables Query, a short wizard-driven approach that makes data accessible to all levels of users. Liability claims reports can then be automated, integrated with email, or exported to any of 15 different formats.
  • Liability claims reporting is made easy with customizable fields and tables that can be arranged in a logical order by the user to add an infinite number of fields for reporting. Fields can include text or pull down menus to create consistency in reporting.

Claims Management Software with Predictive Analysis

Using Recordables unique predictive analytics you can anticipate liability claims based upon prior activity by leveraging risk prediction algorithms. This makes it possible to reduce risk by identifying and predicting liability claims before they occur.

Claims Management Software with Trend Analysis

Gain a clear understanding of liability insurance claims across your organization through comprehensive tracking of all liability claims. Easily monitor and track all liability claims in a single, unified system, easily identifying liability claim trends.

Claims Management Dashboards

Claims management dashboards provide current, actionable information about liability claims. Dashboards provide drill-down capabilities that offer access to multiple levels of data, from a broad overview of all claims to information about specific claims. Insurance dashboards are available as part of Recordables claims management software.

Claims Management Dashboard 1
Claims Management Dashboard 2
Claims Management Dashbaord 3

(312) 961-7894

Women at Computer

Complete Claims Management Software

With claims management software from recordables your organization is in control of the claims process from the initial reporting through final resolution. Gain insight into claim patterns, types, and locations to help with risk management using comprehensive reporting and analytics tools.

Your claims management software data is secure

Recordables claims management software meets or exceeds established standards for network security and regulatory compliance. Learn more about our network security.

Working with TrackComp

Claims Management Software Client Testimonials


We have used Recordables claims software, Trackability, for 19 years, starting in 2003 across three entities. The program supports our existing structure and allows us to add additional entities through an easy and seamless process. Thanks to on-going support and customer service provided by Paul Kofman and his team.

The claims management software system allows for continued updates of both new and legacy claims via detailed reporting of claims by status including all claims, open claims, and closed claims. Reports are generated for each of the companies, allowing us to update our excess insurance carrier, our broker, legal, and our accounting staff.

Claims Manager
Large Fleet Management System



We have had the pleasure of working with Recordables TrackComp workers compensation claims management and TrackAbility claims system since 2012.  During the past decade, our pool, as well as the industry in general, has seen many changes and challenges.  In every situation Recordables has always responded quickly and their willingness to modify or adapt their systems to whatever presents itself is unsurpassed.

Director of Information Technology
Large public entity self-insurance pool in Texas

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(312) 961-7894