Secure RMIS Software from Recordables

All Recordables applications meet or exceed established standards for network security and regulatory compliance. The software meets the requirements for SOC type II and SOC type III compliance as well as ISO 27001 standards. The software is HIPAA compliant which is addressed in a Business Associate Agreement. For more than 25 years Recordables has provided safe, secure proven RMIS software solutions.

High levels of RMIS security and compliance

Recordables provides high level security, infrastructure and service for all of our software applications.

The Recordables servers are SOC (system of controls) Type II and III compliant. Additionally, the Recordables infrastructure complies with the ISO 27001 standard. All data and transmissions are encrypted and secure using industry best practices.

RMIS disaster recovery and business continuity

Recordables has strong disaster recovery and business continuity plans which includes regular testing conducted throughout the year by a third party. Recordables conducts annual security assessments to proactively identify and reduce risk.

Ongoing Risk Assessment and Training

The Recordables team takes proactive steps to identify and mitigate security risks including:

  • A Privacy, Risk IT and Vulnerabilities (PRIV) committee identifies and assesses risks to software applications and services. This committee works with IT staff and consultants on an ongoing basis.
  • Ongoing risk assessments, gap assessments, vulnerability testing and HIPPA policy reviews and training.
  • Confirming best practices are used in all programming, web hosting and infrastructure.
  • Offering clients different options to meet security and compliance requirements for PHI data and to maintain HIPPA compliance. These requirements are addressed within contracts or Business Associate Agreements.

(312) 961-7894

Recordables Security

Secure Risk Management Software

Infrastructure and data security is the top priority of the Recordables RMIS solutions. Ongoing security assessments and a standing privacy and risk committee make certain data is only accessible to authorized personnel.
Working with TrackComp
“Recordables TrackComp made the difference for us.”

A. Smith

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(312) 961-7894